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REMEMBER: If you want to visit Walt Disney World when there is no deal for the general public, you will need to follow the discount strategies that are revealed in our online book, "Secrets To An Affordable Walt Disney World® Vacation," to make your vacation affordable.
Now on with the show...
From Under the Sea to Galaxies Far, Far Away... Opening Dates Are Set For A Soundsational Summer at Disneyland Resort
Tangaroa Terrace, Trader Sam’s to Join Disneyland Hotel This Spring
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As many of you know, I am an author of Catholic prayer books. One of the best ways to know Jesus more intimately and show our love for Him is through prayer. Prayer keeps us focused on the spiritual life and opens a channel for grace so He can make His presence known to us.
Today's prayer:
Gospel reading for February 28, 2011:
"And Jesus, looking around, said to his disciples, 'How difficult it is for those who have riches to enter into the kingdom of God!' And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus, answering again, said to them: 'Little sons, how difficult it is for those who trust in money to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for the rich to enter into the kingdom of God.' And they wondered even more, saying among themselves, 'Who, then, can be saved?' And Jesus, gazing at them, said: 'With men it is impossible; but not with God. For with God all things are possible.'" {Mark 10:23-27}
Dear Lord, may wealth and success never blind us to You, our true treasure. You give us these gifts because you love us. Yet You also expect us to use them to help our brothers and sisters in need. May God give us the grace to be good caretakers and stewards of creation as we build up our treasure in heaven. Amen.
For those who have questions or wish to share their thoughts with me, send your comments to: Please put "Let us pray" in the subject line so I won't mistake you for spam.
For further help in forming your prayer life, see my prayer books below that I've written and compiled and posted on the 'Net for FREE. God bless.
"The Divine Word + Sacred Art Rosary: Praying the Rosary with Sacred Scripture and Art." Bible-based meditations for each bead of the rosary. Each Mystery is illustrated with beautiful art masterpieces inspired by God. Click here to read the book for FREE.
"Beads of Salvation: Praying the Rosary to Reach Heaven." Rosary prayers drawn from the writings of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori. Click here to read the book for FREE.
"Rosary Poetry: Poems on the Life of Jesus Christ." Twenty poems relating to the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Click here to read the book for FREE.
"100 Prayers of Purity for the Mission of Our Lady of America." The Virgin Mary, Our Lady of America, encourages us to seek Her as our model of purity. The prayers in this book petition God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the great Saints for the grace we need to lead pure and holy lives. Click here to read the book for FREE.
"Achieving Weight Loss through the Prayers of the Divine Office of the Virgin Mary." True peace with food can only come from establishing a close relationship with God. Click here to read the book for FREE.
"Rosary Meditations: A Bouquet of Roses for Our Lady." Shows the beginner and the highly experienced how to meditate while praying the rosary. Click here to read the book for FREE.
Be sure to check out Father Ron Camarda's "Tear in the Desert." It's one of the most spiritual books I have ever read!
"To me, today at age 61, all prayer by the humble or highly placed has one thing in common: supplication for strength and inspiration to carry on the best impulses which should bind us together for a better world. Without such inspiration we would rapidly deteriorate and finally perish." Walt Disney (Source:
Secrets to an Affordable WDW Vacation: "Save up to 40% on your Walt Disney World vacation. Save on Disney hotels, dining, tickets, cruises, honeymoons and souvenirs!" Click here for details.
Affordable Accommodations: Enjoy Special Rates at select hotels, condos and vacation rentals near Disney. Plus! Receive up to a $100.00 rebate! For hotels, click here.
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Copyright © 1999 - 2011 by John P. Gross. All rights reserved.