Affordable Walt Disney World Vacation
Updates From Affordable Walt Disney World Vacation
August 26, 2009
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Hi Everyone!
NOTE: If you want to visit Walt Disney World when there is no deal for the general public, you will need to follow the discount strategies that are revealed in our online book, "Secrets To An Affordable Walt Disney World® Vacation," to make your vacation affordable.
Now on with the show...
In this blog...
Deals and specials - Deals and specials - Disneyland Vacation Club special, Las Vegas Resort & Casino deal, and Caribbean cruise balcony blowout
News from around the "World":
* 911 Response Time Questioned In Disney World Death
* Federal Probe Launched Into 3 Deadly Accidents at Disney World
* Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at Universal now open
* Pope names Disney-area shrine a basilica
* You meet the darndest people while couch-surfing
* Best of Florida Travel pictures
* Sudden roller coaster opening at Universal Orlando surprises
* Pictures: Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster at Universal Orlando
* Disneyland’s summer season ending without dragon show
* Disneyland Resort Calendar
* This week at Disneyland Paris
* Medieval hill towns of France's Provence maintain their charms
* Unusual tours give view of Paris' hidden corners
* What's new at Tokyo Disneyland
* Frank Caliendo to Perform at Las Vegas' Monte Carlo
* HOTEL32 at Monte Carlo - Life-at-the-Top Accommodations
* Zowie Bowie brings musical talent and style to Monte Carlo
* Monte Carlo Fact Sheet
* Monte Carlo Walkthrough
* Branson Calendar of Events
* The Gospel Tradition Lives on at Branson's Silver Dollar City
* Cover Story: Disney Dream Cruise Ship Begins to Take Shape
* Beth writes about Magical Express and MK party tickets
* Kim writes about military companion tickets
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Below are just some of the deals drawn from over 70 pages of current specials posted at our password-protected members-only site:
* BIG Downtown Disney Resort Hotel discount
* Walt Disney World luxury resort $99 per night
* FREE dining at Walt Disney World
* Save 35% on Walt Disney World hotel rooms
* Cirque du Soleil discount
* Marriott summer deal
* Universal Orlando Resorts half off strategy
* American Idol Experience options
* Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
* Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party
* Orlando resort vacation package for dog owners
* Disneyland ticket deal for locals
* Disneyland Paris vacation package discount
* Luxury cruise discount exclusively for police and firefighters
* New parties for Walt Disney World Resort guests
* SeaWorld Partner Hotel Special
* CityPass discount for Affordable Disney members
* FREE night at Disney Deluxe Resort
* Disney Cruise Line discounts for Floridians and the military
* Non-Disney theme park/cruise vacation packages
* New source for discounted Disney Villas
* SeaWorld San Diego ticket deal
* Walt Disney World discounts for passholders and Floridians
* Las Vegas room discounts
* Universal hotel discounts
* Disneyland California hotel special
* Universal Orlando discounted vacation packages
* SeaWorld Discovery Cove discounts
* Orlando Theme Park Package
* Room discounts and FREE tickets for the military
* 2 Days for the Price of 1 at Universal Hollywood
* Downtown Disney Resort Hotel discount
* Kids eat FREE at Universal hotels
* Universal Blue Man Group discount
* Disneyland Annual Passes on a monthly payment plan
* Kids stay and play FREE at Disneyland Paris
* Universal Hollywood All You Can Eat Pass
* Save 50% at these deluxe Walt Disney World resorts
* 2010 Disney cruises now booking
* Get a FREE ticket to the Walt Disney World theme parks in 2009
* Nickelodeon Family Cruise
* Kids eat FREE membership card
* Disney cruise early booking discounts
* Super Branson promotion
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This Day in Disney History
911 Response Time Questioned In Disney Death
Federal Probe Launched Into 3 Deadly Accidents at Disney World
Walt Disney World Monthly Calendar.
NOW OPEN - Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit at Universal Orlando Resort
Pope names Disney-area shrine a basilica - Donna and I attend Sunday mass at this beautiful church when we're in town!
You meet the darndest people while couch-surfing
Best of Florida Travel pictures
Sudden roller coaster opening at Universal Orlando surprises industry watchers - not ready for prime time?
Pictures: Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster at Universal Orlando
Disney’s summer season ending without dragon show
Disneyland Resort Calendar
This week at Disneyland Paris
Medieval hill towns of Provence manage to maintain their charms
Unusual tours give view of Paris' hidden corners
What's new at Tokyo Disneyland
The Gospel Tradition Lives on at Silver Dollar City
This Week in Las Vegas
Frank Caliendo Signs 10-Year Deal to Perform at Monte Carlo
HOTEL32 at Monte Carlo - Life-at-the-Top Accommodations
New Las Vegas Strip headliner Zowie Bowie brings musical talent and unique style to Monte Carlo
Monte Carlo Fact Sheet
Monte Carlo Walkthrough
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Disney Dream Begins to Take Shape
PAPENBURG, GERMANY (August 26, 2009) - Today, Disney Cruise Line celebrated the keel laying of the Disney Dream, the first of two newly-designed ships destined to expand family cruise options to more people in more places around the world.
"Since our inception, families have come to know and love Disney Cruise Line, and they are looking for additional ways to enjoy all that we have to offer," Disney Cruise Line President Karl Holz said during the ceremony at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Papenburg, Germany. "Our fleet expansion will allow us to satisfy demand on both the East and West coasts of the United States while also giving us the flexibility to explore additional global destinations for our Guests."
The keel laying ceremony is the first time the Disney Dream will begin to take shape after many years of design work. In the maritime industry, the ceremony marks a momentous occasion when the first block - or section - of the ship is lowered into the building dock and a coin is placed under the keel for good fortune.
Doing the honors of placing the coin was Captain Tom Forberg. With a distinguished maritime career aboard Disney Cruise Line, Forberg was the first crew member hired and the captain who launched the Disney Magic and the Disney Wonder. Recently, Forberg was named as the future Master of the Disney Dream.
The ship will continue to take its form through a block construction process in which pre-fabricated complete hull sections are joined together in block units and are then brought together to form the ship. The Disney Dream will be made up of 80 blocks, with the first block weighing in at approximately 380 tons.
Designing the Disney Dream
The Disney Dream is scheduled to join the current fleet in 2011, followed by Disney’s second new ship, the Disney Fantasy in 2012. Together the two new ocean liners will more than double the capacity of Disney Cruise Line, each having 1,250 staterooms and a tonnage of 128,000.
Bringing together innovation in superb shipbuilding and creativity in imaginative storytelling, Disney Cruise Line and Walt Disney Imagineering, along with the Meyer Werft shipyard have created a truly distinctive design. Like the existing ships, these ocean liners were designed to deliver a unique vacation that every member of the family believes was created just for them. Design details will be revealed later this fall.
Synonymous with its name, the Disney Dream will evoke the unique heritage of the company’s ideals in creating enchanting places and stories where families’ vacation dreams come true.
Both new ocean liners will call Port Canaveral, Fla., their home, where expansion efforts are underway to accommodate the larger ships and additional guests. In addition to an extension of the dock and enlargements to the one-of-a-kind Disney terminal building, a new multi-level parking structure will be built, complementing the design and storytelling elements of the ships. The new enhancements will provide guests an even more seamless transition from land to sea during their vacation experience.
Disney Cruise Line also recently announced that the Disney Wonder will operate from the Port of Los Angeles starting in 2011.
Future Itineraries
In addition to the new ships, Disney Cruise Line continues to expand itineraries, with plans to once again sail the Mediterranean region aboard the Disney Magic during the summer of 2010. In addition to the popular ports in Spain, Italy and France, the ship will visit Tunis, in Northern Africa, the island nation of Malta and Corsica. Disney Magic will also visit the historic cities of Northern Europe for the first time calling on Warnemunde, Germany, the gateway to Berlin and St. Petersburg, Russia. Enchanting Scandinavian ports like Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm, will also be a first for Disney.
Holz noted that the company will begin to announce some itineraries for 2011 in September during the D23 EXPO, the ultimate fan experience where the entire world of Disney will come together under one roof at the Anaheim Convention Center in California.
Based in Celebration, Fla., Disney Cruise Line established the family cruise market when it launched its business in 1998. Recently the line was named the best large cruise ship for families by Travel + Leisure magazine in its annual readers’ poll. (Source: Press Release, 08/26/09)
Beth, our travel agent, writes about Magical Express and tickets to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party and Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party:
"Don’t panic if your Magical Express times aren’t listed on your paperwork, or show up as 12:00. The most important thing is that they know you plan to use the service; your confirmation will say that you’ve chosen Magical Express. If you’ve supplied your flight information then it should also show at least part of that info. Quite often, the flight numbers are there, but the time says 12:00. That means that Disney has what they need and will track you based on those flight numbers. If it says they still need information, it may have been there before and then 'fallen off' the reservation when a change or payment was made. Strange things can happen to that flight info! Just tell you travel agent (or Disney) and they’ll put it back on. As I said at first, though, the most important thing is that they know you plan to use the system. Even if they never get your flight info you’ll still be allowed on the bus.
And along that same line, here’s another thought…
I’m not sure what’s up with the Magical Express baggage tags these days, but they seem to be severely delayed or even missing entirely a LOT lately. Disney can’t give me any explanation for it. However, they have prepared a PDF file that agents can send to clients that don’t get their tags in time for their trip. Actually, there have always been instances (such as when people book at the last minute) when we know that the tags aren’t going to make it, and the system has always worked just fine - and still does - without those bright yellow tags. The baggage folks have to work a little harder to find your bags, but they Do find them, tag them, and send them along to your resort just as if they’d had tags all along, so don’t stress at all over not having Magical Express tags.
And now for a totally new thought…
Recently I’ve been asked a lot about if tickets to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party or Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party are really a necessary purchase in order to enjoy your trip. My answer is, no way. Are the parties fun, though? Absolutely. Let me take a step back first for those that don’t have a clue what I’m talking about.
Disney’s great at coming up with special events that will draw more people to the parks, especially during periods that are traditionally a little slow. Sometimes the events themselves are free – like the Epcot Flower & Garden Show in the Spring and the Epcot Food & Wine Festival in the Fall – but there are often associated events that you can add on for a fee. And then there are Mickey’s parties in the Magic Kingdom. They are considered special ticket events and are not included in the admission cost of a regular park ticket.
The park closes around 6:00 or 7:00 in the evening and then reopens only for those who have purchased (for $50-60) party tickets. The Halloween parties occur a few nights a week starting in late September. The Christmas parties start in November and go through mid-December. Special decorations are brought in, special parades and amazing fireworks displays are held, there are stage shows and (in the case of the Halloween party) street games and trick-or-treating. Hot chocolate and cookies are served from several stations during the Christmas party. And the best part is that you can generally move through the lines at even the most popular attractions very quickly. So yes, it’s a lot of fun - but you can do the vast majority of these things during regular park hours without purchasing the pricey event tickets.
Bottom line: If budget is a big issue for you then skip the party and don’t look back; you’ll never miss it. If you have the room in your budget, though, and decide to attend a party then you’ll have a great time. You may decide not to do it again in the future, but you’ll probably be glad you did it once."
Kim writes about military companion tickets:
"Do you know if the military personnel has to travel with the people using the companion passes? My father-in-law was thinking of buying the passes for the grand kids, but he doesn't want to go. If you don't know, maybe that's a question they could answer on base. Hate to get all the way there to find out that the passes can't be used without the military personnel present. Thanks!"
Here's the bad news from Disney:
"The military personnel (or spouse) will be required to present valid military identification for all ticket transactions (including to activate tickets, and/or redeem exchange certificates for tickets, at Main Entrance theme park ticket windows). A valid ID may also be required for admission."
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See You Real Soon!
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